My father-in-law was asking us for some pictures of the "girls" a while ago and I thought it was so cute that he wanted to have a picture of our dogs to look at! I mean, really, aren't they the cutest dogs you ever saw? Who wouldn't want their own pictures of them? Imagine our surprise when we got a huge flat box with this lovely portrait of Millie and Penny in it!!

Here is the painting from the Penny side. I hung it on the wall right across from our bedroom so it is the first thing Kenny sees when he gets up and the last thing he sees before he goes to sleep for the night. (No, I am not jealous!!)

The Millie side. Look how serious she is!!

When we open our bedroom door...there they are!! The artist is a man from Wake Forest, North Carolina. We are so happy with the portrait!!
Happy Birthday Mom!! Today is Ken's mom's birthday, and we hope you are having the best night!! We have more snow on the way for Friday, so you all enjoy your sunshine and tropical weather (yes, 60 is tropical compared to what we have here).