Sunday, December 20, 2009

You know you're hearty people when this happens!!

Well, that's what I get for being smug about the weather forecast!! We got a real blizzard the week before Christmas!! :)

We even had a Saskquatch (can't spell it!!) sighting.

I think Rob is a living snowman.

Good luck mailman!

Snow is almost as high as the garage. Ken and Rob have been snowblowing and shoveling all day so far. Evy and I did the steps and around the cars across the street. I know it's an inconvenience to have all this snow, but you do feel good being outside and working. Our road has still not been plowed and it's 1 p.m. The mall is closed all day too. So far, I have not had time to sew because we have all been outside, so that will have to wait until tonight when the chores are all done. We moved the younger chickens into the coop with the old timers last night, but cannot let them out of their crate since the older ones will not accept them yet. It's too small to let them all out together anyway since they would have nowhere to hide from their enemy! Once we get the pen shoveled out, then we can try it for a few hours at a time.

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