Thursday, February 13, 2014

More Valentines Pillows

Well, today was ANOTHER day off due to snow and ice!  We will have no spring break left at this rate.  On the other hand, I do enjoy being home and doing things that make me happy, like sewing and cooking.  OMG!  I just got a call saying that we are already on a two hour delay for tomorrow!  We are never going to get our units done before state testing!  Sorry...I digress!  Last week I was talking to Colleen at the quilt shop and she was talking about trapunto on the embroidery machine and how much she likes it.  I had been wanting to try it too, so here are some pillows with trapunto pictures.  See how puffy they look?  There is batting under the fabric and all that stitching makes it puff.

Kenny and the dogs spent a few minutes chilling out on the couch.  Kenny was noticing a spider on the ceiling, but we let him live.

This pillow reminds me of my puppy.  I had done the stitching in pink, but it was hard to see so I just stitched over it with tan.  I have two more ready to work on tomorrow night at sit and sew at PQ!
This was another piece of a chenille cutter I got years ago.  I used to go on ebay and buy pieces of chenille bedspreads (cutters because they are not in good shape as a whole, so the seller cuts the good pieces up and sells them) to make pillows, curtains and laundry bags.  I am out of these kinds of pieces now.

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